Sunday, May 6, 2012

Heat Science : The kinetic theory & Equation of state of gases


The kinetic theory of gases is based upon the following simplifying fundamental assumptions or postulates, first stated by Clausius in 1860:

(i)                 The kinetic theory assumes that a gas consists of an exceedingly large number of minute particles (the molecules of the atomic theory), all having the same mass and obeying Newton’s laws of motion.
(ii)                The molecules are supposed to be perfectly elastic spheres or mass points. The volume occupied by the molecules may be neglected in comparison with the volume of the container of the gas. These molecules can experience elastic collision with one another and with the walls of their container. (At this level there no frictional or other non-conservative forces.)
(iii)               The molecules are continuously moving at random with high velocities colliding with each other and against the walls of the container. The pressure exerted by a gas is due to the continuous bombardment of the molecules with the walls of the container.
(iv)              Between two successive collisions the molecules move in a straight line with uniform velocity. This is because; they obey Newton’s laws of motion.
(v)                The molecules of the gas are sufficiently far apart most of the time so that they do not exert any force of attraction or repulsion between them. Therefore, they cannot have any potential energy (other than gravitational, which is so small that we can neglect it), but have only kinetic energy.
(vi)              The dimension of a molecule may be neglected in comparison with the distance traversed by it between two successive collisions, called its free path. The perfect gas theory treats the molecules as mere mass points.
(vii)             The time during which a collision lasts is negligible compared with the time required to traverse the free path.
(viii)           The distribution of velocities among the gas molecules at equilibrium does not change with time. The same number of molecules always has a particular velocity, although the specific molecules having this velocity may be different at different time.

On account of the frequent collisions between the molecules the velocities of different molecules as well as the lengths of the path traversed by a molecule between two successive encounters called the free path vary considerably and so to investigate the physical properties of a gas in terms of the motions of the molecules, we are to consider ‘mean velocity’ and ‘mean free path’ of all the molecules under the same conditions of temperature and pressure.

Note: Gravitational attraction always acts between the molecules. But the force is exceedingly small and is generally neglected.


In deriving the expression for the pressure exerted by a gas, the molecules were treated as geometrical points which could fly freely from one wall of a container to another without colliding with other molecules. One of the objections raised in the early days of the development of the theory was that if molecules acted in this way a small amount of gas, say ammonia, released in a large room would spread throughout the room practically instantaneously. But we know that if the stopper is removed from a bottle of perfume a considerable time elapses before the odor can be detected even at a point only a few away. It was soon realized that this relatively slow diffusion of one gas in another resulted from molecular collisions, which cause a molecule to move in an irregular zigzag path.                           

Really speaking the molecules are of finite size and because of these finite sizes they constantly collide with each other in course of motion. These collisions alter both the magnitudes and the directions of their velocities. A collision between two molecules is considered to take place whenever one molecule makes contact with another. The length of the (approximately straight) segment of the path of a molecule traversed between two successive collisions is called the free path. But when a molecule undergoes a number of collisions, this path will be different in length and direction between successive collisions.

Distinction between a gas and a vapor

We are now in a position to understand the scientific difference between a gas and a vapor. When a substance is below its critical temperature, we refer to the substance as ‘vapor’, thereby implying that the liquid from is easily obtainable. When the substance is above its critical temperature, however, we refer it to a ‘gas’ since it can not be liquefied. The critical temperatures of hydrogen and nitrogen are -241°C and -147°C and hence these substances are normally well above their critical temperatures. Hydrogen and nitrogen are consequently known as permanent gases. It can now be seen that the terms ‘vapor’ and ‘gas’ are artificial distinctions; above the critical temperature the substance is termed a ‘gas’, but below the critical temperature it is termed a ‘vapor’.

State of matter near the critical point

critical point

The most important properties of a substance which are actually observed near its critical point are the following:
(a)    The surface of demarcation between the liquid and its vapor vanishes at the critical temperature. This indicates a fall of surface tension. Rapid inter-diffusion of molecules between the liquid and the gaseous mass takes place and at the critical temperature the process becomes complete and so the surface just disappears.
(b)    Vapor at the critical point attains a very high compressibility.
(c)     The whole mass presents a very flickering appearance which suggests a fluctuation of density inside the mass.
(d)    The densities of the liquid and the vapor gradually approach each other till they become equal at the critical point.

But the experiments of Callendar appear to throw fresh light on the state of matter near the critical point. Taking very pure water freed from all traces of dissolved air, Callendar found that the densities of liquid and vapor did not become equal at 374°C, the critical temperature at which the meniscus disappeared, but that a difference of density was perceptible even beyond the critical point which under favorable conditions could be traced upto 380°C. This suggests the existence of a critical region rather than a critical point. More research is needed to arrive at a final decision in this matter.   

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